Book Club

Thank you for considering Three Before Nine: A Story of a Childhood for your book club! I’ve put together some questions that I hope would help spark discussion at your next meeting.

  1. How does Beth Anne’s character develop over time? What techniques does the author employ to show this development?
  2. Three Before Nine, as the author states in the front matter, is a fictionalised memoir. What do you think of the legitimacy of this genre? Did you find yourself wondering what was based on truth and what was purely fiction? Did this interfere with your appreciation of the story?
  3. Who or what is the “villain” in this story? Is there one?
  4. How are characters’ names used in this book?
  5. Bess Linnet self-published Three Before Nine. How do you think the book would be different if it had been published through a traditional publisher? Are you aware of whether the books you read are self-published or traditionally published?
  6. At what point in Marvin and Liza’s relationship do you as a reader sense trouble?
  7. Does Three Before Nine depend more on plot or tone to carry the reader forward? Does this work for you as a reader?
  8. Can you remember events that happened in your own life before you were nine? To what extent do you believe those memories are your own or received as stories told by your family?
  9. How do you feel about the use of profanity in Three Before Nine? Do you feel that the use of swear words cheapens literature or relegates it to a lower step on the ladder?
  10. What role does place play in this book? Can a sense of place sometimes be strong enough in a book to be considered a character? Is that the case here?
  11. What sort of a relationship does Beth Anne Evans have with her siblings? How does that compare to your own experience, lived or observed, of sibling relationships?
  12. How is fire, in many forms, used throughout the book? Is this symbolism effective? Why or why not?