Bess Linnet grew up in the United States but has lived in the United Kingdom for many years. Despite rejection by every MFA in Creative Writing programme she applied to in her twenties, Bess never gave up on her dream of becoming an author. Bess honed her skills through her forties writing blog posts and poetry. She started work on Three Before Nine: A Story of a Childhood just after her fiftieth birthday, and it is her debut novel.
Bess lives with her Swedish husband in southwest London; their eldest is off to university this autumn, but their youngest is still at home, as is Harry the Jack Russell. Bess usually writes at cafés because she is easily distracted by housework, family administration, and social media. She has mastered the fine art of nursing a large cup of tea for as long as possible.
If writing doesn’t pan out, Bess might take up busking. She would have the distinction of being the only guitar-playing busker to use a music stand, as while Bess loves to write words, she has an ironically dreadful time committing lyrics to memory.
Website: besslinnet.com
Email: bess@besslinnet.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/besslinnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/besslinnet/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BessLinnet